If you’re ok Awesome Vintage St.patrick Was Italian Shamrock Italy Flag Patricks Shirt with manual focus you can adapt older lenses. I’m using Nikon F, M42 and Olympus OM lenses on my Fuji but you can adapt almost anything that has an aperture ring (and lenses that don’t, but you wouldn’t be able to change the aperture of course). I have to warn you though that getting stuff perfectly in focus at f/2.8 and lower with manual focus is very hard because of how thin the depth of field is. Focus peek, split-screen and colored peak highlights will help but only up to a point.
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On the other hand, most 50mm aren’t at their sharpest when wide open, so maybe take a Awesome Vintage St.patrick Was Italian Shamrock Italy Flag Patricks Shirt moment to reconsider whether you really need f/1.8. An adapter is fairly cheap, something like $20, and decent primes start around $30 so you’d definitely be saving a lot. Ha, they do look pretty convincing. As for the coating, I can’t say for sure. I have some of the clear bottom bowls and they have some scratches and I think you can see the clear glass through them, so it might just paint. I haven’t seen this pattern on anything but these bowls. The other pattern closest to the enamelware look is Homestead and that came on all sorts of dishes.
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I love Homestead but I think most people on Awesome Vintage St.patrick Was Italian Shamrock Italy Flag Patricks Shirt here hate it. I’m sorry to the passionate people who are downvoting me at the thought of deconstructing this tin. Deconstructing items to make something new makes me happy. You’re free to downvote though. You’re entitled to your opinions. I’m not sure your plan, but I foresee can opener on the bottom, then split it at the seam to make it flat again, then either careful snipping, or some sort of hammer type circular punch. Maybe a short length of metal conduit pipe with the edge ground sharp?
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