Everyone said we were the Funny Rafiki Yoga Eff You See Kay Why Oh You Vintage Shirt perfect couple. I knew he watched porn every once in a while. He even brought an old DVD video into the bedroom once…I was bored stiff, so he turned off. I once came across him watching some vanilla porn…I just hugged him and teased him about his girlfriends. Again…I couldn’t have been more fucking stupid. In order to spend more time with the love of my life, I sold all my businesses. It was a relief, really. I had been work, work, work..my whole life and now it was time for me, for us. After about 5 years, it became harder and harder to engage him in the bedroom.
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I had left for 10 days once, to help a friend convalesce when she Funny Rafiki Yoga Eff You See Kay Why Oh You Vintage Shirt had surgery. I missed him so much, I called him 3 times a day. I never realized I was the one making all the contact, I just thought he was focused on work. I even cried during a few of the calls. Every few years, I would end up in the hospital because of my seizures. Usually for a few days or a week. I was always understanding that he couldn’t visit me.
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We needed the money and work was a priority. Of Funny Rafiki Yoga Eff You See Kay Why Oh You Vintage Shirt course, he was never working. he was binging on porn and masturbating. One time, it was so bad, he rubbed the skin off one side of his dick. I never had a clue. Then the first D-Day. It was my 48th Birthday. I had been planning a hot sexy night all day. I had made it very obvious. I was all over him all day. I was making a special dinner, his favorite, I went out to the workshop to call him in…I found him with his dick out, jerking off to a gang-bang. I was as pissed off as I can be.
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