Congrats on the walk! It’s great to see people out there doing the Good I Just Want To Drink Coffee And Rescue Dogs Shirt conventional trails. I’ve been dreaming of doing the ODT a lot lately. I contacted She-ra about it a few months ago and got some really good info. Did you find the nonprimitive road walks a bit of a slog? Did you personally cache any water or did you just use the ONDA caches? And do you think you could resupply in the towns instead of mailing? Definitely get out there- it’s awesome!
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I did not find the roads to be a slog. The primitive road just equals 2 tracks, to Good I Just Want To Drink Coffee And Rescue Dogs Shirt me that’s basically a trail. I found them to often be a relief, some of the sections were really intense and it was nice to get to a road and be able to just walk and zone out. The roads have no cars and they are in beautiful places. If you want a trail of single track, this is not the trail.
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I only used the water caches at the diablo rim. Otherwise, I did not need to cache water. I can’t believe I forgot a picture of my rock collection, ill get them all together and edit my post with a Good I Just Want To Drink Coffee And Rescue Dogs Shirt new picture. Thank you for posting this! Post saved, as this hike looks like it’s right up my alley. Dope pictures, thanks for the good read. When would be the best time to hike this? I would not leave later than June 1st.
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