I was talking about this exact thing with a couple of buddies of mine. I’d love it if they did something like this on the Kobe Bryants The Black Mamba 5 Times NBA Champions Signature Shirt Network, even better if they could stretch it out into a week-long sorta thing. I’d like to see a list of every wrestler’s Top 3 picks. But Big E’s list would have 5. Well, thanks to their friendship with ESPN…maybe get some of their NFL draft guys to do segments for it. Mel Kiper Jr’s mock WWE draft anyone? That thought crossed my mind. If they could work out something with ESPN, they could really make it fun. I’m sure they could get Coach on board. I’m hoping they do something like that too! I enjoy the kayfabe reasonings behind the picks.
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I like Becky a lot. way better than 9. But in this iteration, I tried to Kobe Bryants The Black Mamba 5 Times NBA Champions Signature Shirttake in other factors like age, cultural relevance, unique ability, look, etc. If we’re going on pure popularity and talent, I don’t see why she wouldn’t be top 5 easy, top 3 potentially. I defend the positions mostly on the premise that in drafts you target potential and sustained success for your organization. Can’t say I agree, but I (kind of?) see where you’re coming from. How about Nikki Bella, since you’re taking those aspects into account? Arguably, she has the highest mainstream/casual appeal out of all the women wrestlers.
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Worried about Balor’s hand size. Brock’s gotta get a Kobe Bryants The Black Mamba 5 Times NBA Champions Signature Shirt better spot than where he is simply because of his 40 time and 225 reps. Seth’s athletic testing has to be off the god damn charts. I don’t get why he isn’t #1 on this big board when he’s got so much upside and a similar floor to Cena. Gotta worry about some of Seth’s off the field issues. He has been linked to a woman with nazi propaganda and an infidelity scandal leading to his nudes being released online. He’s got #1 potential, but is ranked #2 with the bevy of prior incidents indicates his great upside. To his credit, he has interviewed well and said all the right things leading up to the draft.
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