For what it’s worth, he was a translator, speaking multiple languages easily. It was his thing. Off they went, together. Anyway, after the war, they returned to Hamburg. I don’t mean shocked or stunned, as in ‘hand on Lovely Mets Ton Masque Avant Que Le Virus Te Demasque Shirt mouth, oh my goodness me’ – I mean stunned and shocked to mean incapable of speaking, done, empty, devoid of the ability to function. Mum said she (Grandma) said she looked back towards the city and saw Hamburg burn. I guess I always imagined it from a height.
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The land is exceptionally flat around there. The fire could be seen from a Lovely Mets Ton Masque Avant Que Le Virus Te Demasque Shirt long distance away as a pillar of flames in the sky. According to my grandparents, you could see the fire from 50 kilometers away. Well, not the fire itself, but the red sky. There was so much fire that it lit up the sky. That website is too funny. And I thought it was funny that Frankfurt people called the Taunus a mountain range… I can see myself doing that at 17 or 18, ignorant and naive. “Wait, you mean my neighbor has a resource I desperately need, and no way to prevent me from just taking it?”, the cycle starts all over again.