I’m kind of mixed on Nice Marvel Pitbull Pitbullvengers Avengers Endgame Shirt it. Just for background, I’m a fan of the old direction of the DCEU under Snyder and while I used to be a huge MCU fan, I disliked the direction they took early on. And while I read DC comics, I never read Aquaman so I can’t say how I feel about comic accuracy or inaccuracy aside from basic stuff. And this just how I feel, I’m not going to argue about whether people should love or hate Aquaman. If you like it or love it, I’m completely cool with that.
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My biggest fear for Nice Marvel Pitbull Pitbullvengers Avengers Endgame Shirt this movie and future movies was that they would just copy Marvel’s style, and say what will about the success of their model but I want the DCeU to be more unique and separate from them above everything. If I were to describe how Aquaman feels….I would say it feels like a comic book movie from before the MCU and a mix of the Percy Jackson movies, and not in a bad way. Like when Arthur and Mera come out the Ocean in the Sahara and a song by Pitbull plays.
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When it comes to Nice Marvel Pitbull Pitbullvengers Avengers Endgame Shirt the humor, while I’m not opposed to humor I like it more where it’s appropriate, and not every two minutes regardless of the scene like in the MCU. And then the song that plays when they get to know each other in Sicily. I feel mixed about it because I didn’t hate it, I actually liked it a lot. But it still felt strange and I couldn’t fit it in with the rest of the movie. This is just my first impressions and kind of raw thoughts and feelings. Aquaman was interesting. Because it felt different from both the old DCEU and the current MCU.
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