He sent me a text inviting me to Official 100 Days Got Me Feelin’ Like Hei Hei Shirt his fraternity’s party. I was out with two of my friends (both female) at a play and he said we could all come by after if we wanted. My friends wanted to go so then we went. While there, I got a couple of drinks that consisted of a blue punch in a gatorate cooler. I know this was a bad idea now, but I didn’t have that much experience with drinking or partying of any sorts and I wish I had known.
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After a little while, my friends wanted to Official 100 Days Got Me Feelin’ Like Hei Hei Shirt head back to our residence hall and I was going to leave with them. However, the guy I was seeing told them that he would take care of me and walk me back. So my friends agreed and went back to their dorms. In the meantime, I’m getting more and more impaired by the minute. I can’t remember a lot of details clearly after this point. He wanted to cuddle so he asked me to come upstairs to his room.
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I remember cuddling and kissing a Official 100 Days Got Me Feelin’ Like Hei Hei Shirt little. I told him I wanted to sleep and I remember he asked something about sex but I said I was too tired and drunk. Also, (didn’t tell him this but) I was a virgin and didn’t want that to be my first experience. The next thing I knew it was early in the morning the next day and my clothes were off and I felt a lot of pain down below. There was bleeding too. My head hurt and I was trying to figure out
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