Thank you very much. I love Original Touch My Lucky Charms Women Girl Dirty St Patricks Day Shirt hearing which ones people liked best. I’m still torn between a betta or a small school of eyespot rasboras. It’s only 6 gallons so I don’t have many other options really. I checked seriously fish for the minimum tank size for the rasboras and mine is the bare minimum size recommended. Hahah there are so many to choose from so it’s always interesting to see what people like! It looks kinda black water, not sure if you’re going for that, but I’m a masssssive fan of gobies – I reckon a couple of bumblebee gobies would love that:) however a wild betta would also be amazing, if you can source one.
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I’m not much of a fan of Original Touch My Lucky Charms Women Girl Dirty St Patricks Day Shirt schooling fish but whatever floats your boat haha! Yep it’s a very blackwater tank! The blacker the better. Well I’ve just learned of a new fish! I had no idea about bumblebee gobies, they are so so so lovely and my tank is just large enough. So I did a little reading about their requirements and my only concern is that they need a minimum pH of 6.5, but my pH is 5.5 – 6. I feel like it might be difficult to keep my pH stable for them 🤔 I am so tempted though. On second thoughts I think a betta would be the safer option.
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Reading some massively conflicting info of Original Touch My Lucky Charms Women Girl Dirty St Patricks Day Shirt tank size for the gobies. Wild type betta if I can get it would be amazing too. I wouldn’t go by rule of thumb to what seriously fish says, these fish are an inch long and don’t really move, they move less than a betta lol. Your tank would be perfect for them. A wild betta would also be great, they’re very pretty, but you get my point! Thanks. It was simultaneously enjoyable and frustrating. The time I spent changing them around everyday was very therapeutic and kept my anxious mind busy for many hours. I’m already thinking about buying another tank as I will have nothing to keep my mind occupied now! I think you should have a go
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