Think we’ll get lucky, partner?” Walter placed his hand on To Do List 1 Drink Coffee 2 Avoid Slapping Stupid People 3 Repeat Steps 1 & 2 – Skeleton Shirt the hood of his 1974 RX-3. His fingers felt the numerous dents and pits gathered through its years– well, this was actually its thirteenth hood. Outside the garage door and the forcefield beyond, a fierce sandstorm raged on the planet Hakkas 12. “Humph, you going to quit wasting everyone’s time with that piece of junk?” Walter turned to see the daunting figure of Garton. The six-limbed alien had his two lower arms crossed as the upper two carried assorted parts for his own vehicle. Walter leaned back against the fender of his ‘partner’ with a smug look.“Another set of pistons? What are you playing with today, sixteen new billet steel future paperweights? Can you even get tolerances within the thousandths? ”
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“Says the newcomer who can’t even place in the top ten. Go To-Do List 1 Drink Coffee 2 Avoid Slapping Stupid People 3 Repeat Steps 1 & 2 – Skeleton Shirt home human, your species obviously has no understanding of ground vehicle racing.” Garton spat back. “Oh? We’re only three races in my friend, and the ones we have done so far been glorified drag races. Now this,” He pointed one hand outside the garage, “this is our time to shine.” Garton snorted and turned away with a hearty laugh as he waved-off Walter and walked away. Walter let out a sigh and pulled up a small cot next to his vehicle and promptly went to sleep. Walter woke to the sound of humming. He cracked open an eye and saw a winged shadow dart across his bay. Tossing the cover off him, he sat upon the cot to be greeted by his other partner.
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“Ah, Mr. Mitty! It’s still dark out but good morning!” Came a To Do List 1 Drink Coffee 2 Avoid Slapping Stupid People 3 Repeat Steps 1 & 2 – Skeleton Shirt tiny voice from behind the car. “Good morning Mimuu,” Walter said with a yawn. “Fire suppression system, check; harness, seat, and cage, check; spare air filters, tire, coolant, an egg, check. Next is running the warm up cycle and rechecking the Weber for the altitude we will be running.” Minimum listed off. Walter contemplated the distinct taste of two-stroke oil that seemed to be smeared across the cup, with a shrug he decided to enjoy his coffee. “Idle jets down two, main jets down two, air jets up four,” Walter replied with his face still buried in the cup. The dingy girl nodded before hopping up and digging through some drawers for the parts.
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