So, the movie would start with Rey after TROS, at Top Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Redbull Shirt her brand new Jedi school. It’s a good time to be a Spider-Man/Sony fan and a bad time to be a Sony hater. I’m not saying Paramount Pictures deserves to get blasted on, but Sony getting blasted constantly is somewhat unjustified to me. Of course, you may not like the direction the Spider-Man franchise had been going with Sony
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Then, she feels a Top Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Redbull Shirt strange calling towards a cave. She warily enters the cave, and sees lots of strange paintings and drawings on the walls, one of which looks circular, like an entryway. She feels called to press her hand against the center of all the paintings, and when she does, the paintings begin to move. A portal opens in the circle, and she gets pulled in. The screen cuts to black.
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The next portal she encounters leads out to a Top Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Redbull Shirt high rise. Then, she notices at the edge of her field of view a masked creature aiming a sniper at Leia. The sound alerts Leia in the distance, who pick up little Ben and hurries away to safety. Rey advances on the attacker, who is somehow expertly dodging all of her strikes, and during one of his dodges his mask falls off, revealing that it’s the alien that killed Rey’s parents.
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