I’ve been with my girl for 2 years, having children we had always You Can’t Kiss Me But You Can Tip Me Patrick Day Shirt said maybe in a few years down the road once we have our careers established, a decent home, savings, etc. The past 2 years she has been on the pill and we’ve never had an issue, during Christmas she apparently was horrendous at taking them because we had sex once, fast forward to now and shes 6 weeks pregnant…….I have spoken to her logically the past 2 weeks. Take the pill, get the abortion and we will try again in a year or two, when I’m done with my career training.
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Instead, she tells me tonight shes decided shes for You Can’t Kiss Me But You Can Tip Me Patrick Day Shirt sure keeping it because shes wanted one forever, she’s 31, not 16 and she “should” be able to handle it, she talked to her (liberal AF) mother who of course told her oh yeah just keep it great advice! Now her plan is to not renew our lease, move into my parents house with two cats, her, and now a child on the way in my late 20s, her early 30s, so I can bust my ass while she sits at home with a child and we leech off my parents
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I have ZERO interest at all in You Can’t Kiss Me But You Can Tip Me Patrick Day Shirt having this child right now, in fact, I think it’s the most selfish and childish thing to do at all right now. A baby before finances? INSANE. Literally waiting 1-2 more years would make everything so much easier it’s not even funny, instead, I guess well piss it all away keep working minimum wage jobs and dig ourselves even deeper in the hole! What a smart choice! We can barely even afford to pay rent and support ourselves let alone another life.
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