Calls we have received about the Funny Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry David Deep Inside You Know You Are Him Shirt additional $600 and when people might receive it. — There are two reasons. There are two reasons why someone may not have received the $600 payment yet. First off we are a month behind so we are a little delayed. We will get through this, and we will get through this together. (Andy signs in ASL) Say it with me: We are going to get through this together. We will get through this because we talk about the 10 steps. Talking about them every day helps it become muscle memory. Just as an example, that “COVID ACT NOW” graph, while I believe we have beaten that model, showed a difference of 11,000 people. You have risen to the challenge. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
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Yes it’s a comedy show, and previous seasons were quite funny, but it is also a Funny Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry David Deep Inside You Know You Are Him Shirt vehicle for promoting certain messages: like in a previous season with Larry pissing on the image of Christ, that’s very straightforward in what it is doing. And also, straight up normalization of bribery: Larry flashes money to get people to do whatever he wants, and it’s disgusting. I’ll just add that Chronicler’s reaction seems to imply Tinue’s not that far from Newarre.
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