As a Good Peace Sign Rita Ora Coronavirus Shirt disclaimer, this is not a Loud House hate post as I actually really like the show. But every show can always use some improvement, and here’s my attempt to try and resolve some of the moments I didn’t like about the show. I will say this: I do enjoy the newer episodes of the show much more because I think they provide us a larger lens on the family. They’re also far more balanced and have much better plot lines. The older episodes I felt tended to be too simple and more of “Lincoln vs his sisters”. While I enjoyed a lot of the older episodes
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Many of Good Peace Sign Rita Ora Coronavirus Shirt these episodes I’ve listed I realize are also hated by a good majority of viewers of the show either, so please don’t accuse me of being unoriginal :-(. I also realize that some of the more unlikeable episodes may have been inspired by experiences Chris Savino and Co had growing up. That being said, it doesn’t mean there isn’t things to improve on those either, the same way you look back at sibling fights and think “I probably shouldn’t have said this” or “I probably shouldn’t have done that” or “I wish things went this way instead”.
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What I didn’t like: the ending really ruined the Good Peace Sign Rita Ora Coronavirus Shirt episode for me. It’s almost as if Lincoln didn’t learn his lesson, though I can understand why he acted that way. What to change: Lincoln really should’ve taken the time to show each sister on an individual basis how much he valued each of his sisters. I think he subconsciously still resented sort of being the wild card and somewhat underappreciated in the family, and perhaps if he had opened up to them about how he felt his sisters would’ve been more understanding.
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