Beautifully written, and so very true. My great-grandparents were the type of humble, kind Christians that Carter is, and they would be utterly appalled to see Trump occupying the office of Good Shakira Akira Shotaro Kaneda Motorcycle Shirt the president. I was told in all seriousness that, like often happened in the bible, that God sometimes uses flawed men to enforce his will. It is mindboggling to me He’s amazing! I remember watching his speeches as a kid, he was just calm and respectful.
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He was all for the environment as well, had solar panels installed at the White House, and then Reagan tore them out. It will be a Good Shakira Akira Shotaro Kaneda Motorcycle Shirt sorry filled day when he leaves the planet. Beautifully written, I even read it aloud to my husband. Thank you for this! I’m not ashamed to say that I honestly think Donald Trump is the antichrist. That’s all fair except draft dodging is cool and good. Donald didn’t dodge the draft for any moral reasons, he was just a fat pussy. Let’s not compare him to the likes of Muhammad Ali here
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Dodging the draft and then being a warmonger is the real issue. I hope we get a Good Shakira Akira Shotaro Kaneda Motorcycle Shirt good legal precedent for all of this. Trump is bad, but Trump II would be even worse if they are able to leverage the corruption he’s brought to the office even further. We’d be so fucked. It’s so lucky that he’s such a moron. If he’d been another Nixon, he’d be a dictator by now. We have to get it right this time, otherwise, we won’t be so lucky the next time.
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