He floated under water, in the Good Whale Oil Beef Hooked How To Speak Irish St. Patrick’s Day Shirt middle of a magnificent kelp forest that hosted a teeming variety of sea life. Jellyfish bobbed around just below the surface, feeding on plankton and other microbes while colourful fish darted in and out of recesses in the coral below him. In front of him the coral dropped off suddenly into an endless inky black abyss which even the denizens of the reef seemed to avoid swimming over. There was silence, the somnolent swaying of the water around him had a dreamlike quality, steeped in anticipation as if the whole reef was waiting for something to happen.
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Suddenly aware that he had been Good Whale Oil Beef Hooked How To Speak Irish St. Patrick’s Day Shirt underwater for a very long time, he tried to swim for the surface but paddling didn’t seem to do anything. He was somehow neutrally buoyant, neither floating nor sinking, but he could not move from that place. A twinkling light in the dark depths of the watery abyss in front of him caught his attention, and as he focused it started to grow brighter. Soon he could tell it was an object and the light was the sunlight glinting off of something smooth and polished. Gently, it changed direction after it passed the reef’s ledge and started moving toward him. He could see now that it was a pendant, a stone amulet strung on a leather thong. In fact, it was his handiwork, he recognized it immediately.
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The amulet dropped into his open Good Whale Oil Beef Hooked How To Speak Irish St. Patrick’s Day Shirt palm as gravity suddenly took hold, and just as suddenly he was thrust up, as the laws of buoyancy reasserted their authority and he raced up towards the light. He awoke feeling weightless, floating with a rhythmic swaying motion. Gradually the sensation shifted from undulating waves to a jolting and alternating up-down motion. His head was swimming, and still aching from the blow. Tentatively he opened one eye, and then another
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