I own two dogs, a female blue great and a Nice Dog Basset Hound I Love Mom Shirt female black/white basset hound. One day they are playing in the living room, they are throwing toys around, playing tug of war and things start to get a bit rough. So I told them to calm down and behave. Two minutes later they are playing rough again. I tell them again to calm down a bit before things get out of hand (being my furniture getting destroyed for example). They look at me a bit annoyed but they calm down. Not for long though! A few minutes later I can hear them play rough again and my basset hound barking as the great Dane stole a toy.
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I went up to them and said: Nice Dog Basset Hound I Love Mom Shirt “That’s enough, if you can’t play nice I’m grounding you to your beds!”. I took them to their beds and told them to stay and don’t move. An hour later I have to pick up my daughter and decide to quickly let the dogs out as they hadn’t peed for a few hours. Would you believe that they refused to get out of their beds? They had this look on their faces like “you told us to stay in our beds and that’s exactly what we are doing”. This story reminded me of a Maltese I had, she had sulking down. She hated getting wet so the solution to her barking a spray bottle. So we are watching tv the little princess starts barking squirt squirt she looks likes at us like we are horrible people that just committed some horrible things.
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Watch more tv and then it’s bedtime look all over for the Nice Dog Basset Hound I Love Mom Shirt baby, finally, look outside she is sitting on the patio soaked because her logic better to be outside in the rain than risk the 3 drops of water from the squirts of a bottle. But no she didn’t give up the barking. Our first dog, a golden retriever named Goldie (no, we didn’t name him, he came with the name), had the Goldie Sulk(TM). If he was unhappy with you for some reason, he’d walk up to you, make sure that you had noticed him, then turn his back on you and sit down with an audible sniff. Every so often he’d look back over his shoulder, meet your eyes, then look away again with another audible sniff.
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