He is not a Pretty Peace Love Sanitize Ihop Baby Yoda Coronavirus Shirt mercenary, professional soldier, military subcontractor or any other clever euphemism used to round the edges off of his description. Deathstroke kills people for money. Lots of money. He spends a great deal of that money on a virtual army of lawyers who expertly prevent police and/or covert entities from ever positively proving Lt. Colonel Slade Wilson (Ret.) and Deathstroke are, in fact, one and the same.
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He trusts no one, thinks most everyone is a Pretty Peace Love Sanitize Ihop Baby Yoda Coronavirus Shirt idiot, speaks only when absolutely necessary. He usually has several balls in the air at one time. Post-Rebirth, we’re redefining this a little. Deathstroke’s rapid healing clots blood in seconds and seals wounds in minutes. The time it takes for full healing depends upon the wound: a bee sting, maybe a couple of of seconds. A gunshot wound: a few hours. It depends on the complexity of the knitting process, how much tissue needs to be regenerated and other factors.
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It is not a Pretty Peace Love Sanitize Ihop Baby Yoda Coronavirus Shirt instant process. Deathstroke’s rapid healing cannot regenerate organs. It can heal organs, but, for example, it won’t regenerate a liver if a bad guy rips his out. Therefore, his rapid healing power did not simply create a new eye (or, in the case of Marvel’s over-the-top Deathstroke parody Deadpool, grow a new hand). Deathstroke experiences pain like anyone else. Just because he has rapid healing doesn’t mean he’d just sit around and let people gut him with swords.
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