She was. I’m not 100% sure, but I think this was in Pro 57th Birthday 2020 Quarantined American Flag Shirt or around Nuremberg. I know this is an old photo but your grandpa looks like he’s holding a wireless camera remote in his left hand, snapping the picture. There may be nothing there or a cigarette he tucked away from the camera but this is such a charming, candid-yet-staged photo it feels very intimate. Very nice and sweet. I think they can just be used interchangeably and goes according to whatever family custom you have. For example, we called my great-grandpa “Opa” and my grandpa “Opi” and now my nieces call my father “Opa”, so
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I guess if I ever become a grandfather they’d call me “Opi”. Omi is like a Pro 57th Birthday 2020 Quarantined American Flag Shirt cute way of saying Oma. Many small children say it. It also depends on which part of Germany you’re from. We also have the Word Großmutter which translates directly to Grandmother. But today most people would not address their Oma as Großmutter. A wonderful photo and great work to the Redditors who restored and enhanced it. For a moment I thought it was a real color photograph, and still would If I hadn’t read the caption.
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Man, I’ll tell you what, it’d be badass if you could record him and ask him “if you could get the sum of Pro 57th Birthday 2020 Quarantined American Flag Shirt your life, and give one lesson or story to the younger people of this world, what would it be?” I’d love to hear the response. Old people are so wise and I love hearing the trials, tribulations, and ideals. I just played Clue for the first time in a decade because now my kids are finally old enough. My thoughts went straight to Colonel Mustard as well!
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