Pay attention when the Pro Cow I Am A Certified Tit Puller Vintage Shirt question says things like “NOT correct”, and “LEAST likely”. As I started pondering the answers, a few times I found out that I almost forgot the negative in the question. To be safe, after deciding on an answer(s), I went back to re-read the question. I often went back to previous videos and watched them in anywhere from x1.25 to x2.0 speed. I found out that x2.0 was way over my brain’s learning speed, LOL but I used it when I wanted to skip through a portion but wasn’t sure if I would miss something
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I had forgotten. Once in awhile, I would go through some of Pro Cow I Am A Certified Tit Puller Vintage Shirt his PDF slides, a fantastic summary of the course. I did Stephane’s sample test two weeks before the test. Jon’s two tests and some tutorial dojo quizzes a week before (lousy, 72, and 70). On the day of the exam, I did the third Jon’s test, got 87%. I should have done Jon’s exams earlier. Look for keywords that change the answer such as “the cheapest option”, or the “fastest solution.
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Somebody wrote earlier that you need to know the basics of the Pro Cow I Am A Certified Tit Puller Vintage Shirt AWS components, as well as how to put them together or configure them to ACHIEVE A CERTAIN OUTCOME (cheapest, or more reliable, or fastest speed of deploying the solution, least amount of maintenance required, etc.). Very true. And it’s not as hard to do as it sounds. When you know the basics of two solutions, you can tell which one gives you more or less of what. They are testing you on the five pillars mentioned in the Well-Architected Framework. You don’t have to memorize the details, but be familiar with the concepts. I read the white paper once. Useful for real-world architecture too.
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