Hey man, thanks for reading and providing some insight. Awesome to hear from someone who has some perspective on what was happening at this time and can vouch for (or debunk) stuff like this. Rock also sent me a Pro Dear Little Black Girl With The Strong Black Name Correct Them Every Time Shirt wonderful Christmas card with written words that year. Touched me he still held me in his thoughts. Guy had movies, world title matches, Hollywood stardom on his docket but still took the time out for lil ole Mideon. Stuff like this is why Rock is one of the biggest stars in the world now.
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Great to see you posting on here Dennis – I enjoyed the Ministry of Darkness a lot and you were a Pro Dear Little Black Girl With The Strong Black Name Correct Them Every Time Shirt big part of that! I completely agree. When Tony and WCW were on their game in 96, 97, and 98, Schiavone was one of the best. Listening to the Between the Sheets podcast has given me an appreciation for the work that Steve Beverly did.
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That said, this is both childish and hilarious. The part about Jeff Hardy that really made the Pro Dear Little Black Girl With The Strong Black Name Correct Them Every Time Shirt hair on my neck stand is his “reputation” (Dave’s words) for not taking pain pills. Anyone else finds that alarming? I understand what you’re saying and agree. I also think it’s likely he was one of those loud and proud straightedge types.
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