He remained ramrod straight up from Good Wonder Woman Sorry I’m Late I Had To Walk My Unicorn Shirt that point on. Heavier gasses always collect nearer the floor. It’s just that they usually become mixed with the moving surface air and don’t remain pooled for overly long. Holy shit,” I said, “This whole mine is one, huge death gulch. It’s just we’re too tall to tell. I didn’t realize just how long this mine’s been static and atmospherically stratified. She landed balanced on my shoulders, her hands brushing the ceiling; from there she did an astonishing shake-and-shimmy routine that had even Cherry cheering her on.
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The guys are just leaving me alone to Good Wonder Woman Sorry I’m Late I Had To Walk My Unicorn Shirt my own devices. but I’m being ambiguous. I key the mike on our radios. heads up. Stratified air column. Breathable air levels OK above four feet, below that SCBA must be worn. Be advised. Careful walking around. You might cause the stagnant heavier-than-air gasses to mix and waft upwards. Walk slowly and with purpose. Check your Self Rescuers. High alert status. A stratiform air column like this is not such an unusual situation in many mines and caves.
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