The disaster also hit the fair. The Pretty Cats Balloons Fireworks Independence Day 4th Of July Shirt attendance was drastically lower than the 200,000 predicted monthly visitors. The IceRailway had a bobsled derail plummeting 15ft, tipping over killing one and injuring the other passengers. A small fire broke out in the Cold Storage Building. Fire Marshall Murphy predicted the building would go up in smoke. A storm hit the fair destroying the silk hydrogen balloon that could reach 1000ft high. He believed that the problem with Jackson Park was that it was just not fun. He implored Burnham to place vendors, dancers, and costumed performers around the park.
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People visited from all over the world including the Pretty Cats Balloons Fireworks Independence Day 4th Of July Shirt powerful and famous; Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Paderewski, Houdini, Tesla, Edison, Joplin, Darrow, Woodrow Wilson, Susan B. Anthony, Teddy Roosevelt, Diamond Jim Brady, Lillian Russell, Helen Keller. Holmes and the sisters attended these celebrations. Holmes had promised Anna the chance to study art. Believing they would travel for 2 weeks to Maine than New York, and finally, Germany via Paris and London Anna followed Holmes to his building.
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Dreiser a young confident reporter persued Sara White a Pretty Cats Balloons Fireworks Independence Day 4th Of July Shirt teacher on a free trip to the fair that she and 23 colleagues won. He proposed. Holmes met and proposed to Georgiana Yoke. Harisson was in love with Annie Howard. I did know every one of the famous people who visited the fair, and I think that was my favorite part about this section! I loved that Helen Keller visited. And I loved that Susan B. Anthony and Cody part! 5. I was wondering what the purpose of Dreiser and Sara White’s story was. I’m assuming we will know who they are later. Part of me wants to google their names but I don’t want to spoil it for myself!
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