I’ve named this tale The Good If I’m Lost Please Return Me To Tom Selleck Shirt Long Game since it actually spans over the course of several years leading to a satisfying conclusion. Also, because it’s a long story. I’ll understand if you skip this one for a shorter one. Several years ago I was in desperate need of a job. I was recently released from active duty in the US Army under a medical discharge, met my girlfriend (who is currently my wife) who moved in with me with her two small children from a previous marriage, and I was bouncing around from dead-end job to dead-end job. I had very little real-world skills to offer to employers so my options were limited. I took a chance and interviewed with a small security company and was immediately hired.
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They liked that I was prior service, grilled me with Good If I’m Lost Please Return Me To Tom Selleck Shirt questions only a veteran would know, and sent me to work on their biggest contract. I was on a site of a massive multi-million dollar construction location. A large named oil company was building a new headquarters and well… massive construction project just doesn’t seem like a big enough description. As security, a bulk of our responsibility was checking and vetting all construction workers and contractors through the gate, inspect vehicles for possible stolen property, and generally serve as a deterring force. To put it simply, every day my gate alone would process about 1-2 thousand cars during my 8-hour shift.
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The site was running 24 hours a Good If I’m Lost Please Return Me To Tom Selleck Shirt day, 7 days a week to meet the very tight construction schedule. I was only on one of 3 gates so that’s about 3-6 thousand cars that came on site every day in an 8 hour period. Massive construction site. Working there was great. All the security was ex-military so, beyond a little teasing about who they served with, everyone bonded really well. We didn’t have sick days or vacation days, so when people would call off for personal reasons or illness, everyone happily chipped in to make up the lost hours. And, because of this teamwork, our big boss overlooked the call-offs and let us make overtime money. No write-ups, no punishments.
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